HP 512GB Sata-3 SDD

HP 512GB Sata-3 SDD

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MPN 799466-001-RFB


Solid State Drives (SSDs) are fast becoming a real force with respect to storage in the computer industry. With no moving parts, storage is no longer bound by mechanical barriers to higher performance. HP SSDs for workstations offer overall performance significantly beyond that of SAS 15k rpm HDDs (Hard Disk Drives).

SSDs should be considered for most workstations since the number of processor cores and overall processing power can be limited by the I/O performance of the storage subsyste...

Les hele beskrivelsen

    Spesifikasjoner for 799466-001-RFB


    Component for


    Data transfer rate

    6 Gbit/s


    Serial ATA III



    SSD capacity

    512 GB

    Package dimensions

    Gross Weight (Package, kg)

    1,2 kg

    Product dimensions

    Net Weight (Product, kg)

    1,1 kg

    Vendor information

    Brand Name


    1 År


    512GB Sata-3 SDD

    Solid State Drives (SSDs) are fast becoming a real force with respect to storage in the computer industry. With no moving parts, storage is no longer bound by mechanical barriers to higher performance. HP SSDs for workstations offer overall performance significantly beyond that of SAS 15k rpm HDDs (Hard Disk Drives).

    SSDs should be considered for most workstations since the number of processor cores and overall processing power can be limited by the I/O performance of the storage subsystem. For applications where 15k rpm HDDs deliver a performance improvement over standard SATA HDDs, an HP SSD will likely deliver even better performance.

    *Produktinformasjonen ovenfor er levert av Icecat. EET kan ikke holdes ansvarlig for feil i forbindelse med dette.

    EET NorgeOlaf Helsets vei 60694 OsloMVA-nr. 956967864
    Norge / Norsk